Thursday, October 21, 2010

Day 1 - Our First Encounter with Hong Kong

We were all looking forward to the trip to Hong Kong. Most of us spent sleepless nights anticipating the fruitful learning experience we will be going through in Hong Kong for the next ten days. We arrived at the airport with our parents, and at the customs, our parents waved us goodbye. It was my first experience being away from my family. I had mixed feelings as on one hand, I looked forward to new experiences, but on the other hand, I was worried about what lay ahead of us.
Group Photograph - Singapore Changi Airport Departure Hall

In the Airplane
The flight was a smooth one with delicious food, drinks and snacks provided to us. It was a four hour long flight. We spent most of our time watching videos, and chit-chatting with our friends.    

After the flight, we were warmly welcomed by teachers and students from Lai Chack Middle School. We were very touched by their welcome gestures as they presented us with roses and their warm and friendly smiles. We look forward to meeting more of the students in the school and the activities planned for us. 
During the bus ride to the YMCA Wu Kwai Sha Youth Village, we were introduced to the various famous landmarks. Our previous encounters with Hong Kong’s landmarks and culture were through TV series and dramas. It was our first time visiting Hong Kong for most of us. Hong Kong is a beautiful place with interesting skyscrapers and undulating and hilly terrains unlike in Singapore. Buildings have been constructed on hills as there is insufficient flat land.     
After knowing the news about the typhoon, we stocked up more than forty cups of cup noodles and many bottles mineral water in case of typhoon. We have never experience a typhoon before, it would be exciting to experience one; however it may mean that we may not be able to visit certain places that had been planned for us, including places like Ocean Park and Disneyland, which all of us are looking forward to. So far, the weather had been good, windy but there was no rain. We hope the weather would remain the same tommorrow.          
We bonded during our first meal in Hongkong with all the chit-chatting and laughters. Accommodation is basic and sufficient. We had to share a common toilet, and we had planned staggered bath times. It had been a fun experience living together under one roof. We are so looking forward to the next day. It is a definitely going to be more exciting as we will be visiting the school and attending lessons with our buddies from Lai Chack Middle School.    

Post By: Group 1 - Tiffany Ng, Ester Ng, Sherdyn Teng, Dora Gan